Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Someone once told me, to get out of bad situtation, the key is to give it everything you've got to make it work. And if it still doesn't, get out and never look back. "

This.. i got it from someone else's blog..

Its easy for a third person to look at me and say.. my god u are strong..
All i can say is... i am as weak as the pain i feel every day..
Strength now seems alien to me..
i have no choice really... cos there is no such thing as giving up..
Its this way.. or that way...
either way.. its a fight..

Its see my loved ones constantly consumed by the pain they feel for me ...
little do they know of wat its actually like for me.. being me.. feeling me..

Hear my heart... and u'll no how fragile it is..
Hear my inner screams and you'll hear the rage ...
Hear my soul's voice.. and u'll feel the despair and e cold..

I feel constantly heavy ... and i've been literally dragging myself through the every day..
I can't fight anymore.. Everyone of u have taken a piece of me...
really i barely have enough left of me to fight anyone of u...
i'm better off alone actually... yes its lonesome..
but by far more peaceful...

All of u are consumed about your own thoughts and feelings and life ahead...
i'm not asking you to sympathize with me..
all i ask is not to further burden me..
i've already got so much at hand...

i can't bear anymore than this..

Why wldn't anyone understand?

Whats love?

Why do u ppl do wat u do to me...
just leave me alone ..

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